Itel smartphone hacked to block wifi hotspot allegedly by the associates of young architect telugu trisha

Itel smartphone hacked, cannot unlock it
Indicating the risk involved in using smartphones, the itel smartphone which the domain investor uses cannot be unlocked
It is an intermittent problem, in the early morning it is not getting unlocked
Yet sometimes during the day, the smartphone can be unlocked swiping it
This clearly indicates that smartphones are not reliable, they are being controlled remotely
This is also an example of why smartphone based payment is risky
Now the domain investor has to purchase another smartphone, spending money, a business expense which government agencies refuse to acknowledge
A lot of time is also being wasted trying to fix the problem.
It appears that after the banking fraud of young fraud architect telugu trisha exposed, her associates hack Itel smartphone to cause losses to the domain investor, single woman engineer who legally owns the bank account, yet is criminally defamed by the local security, intelligence agencies to justify giving great powers to their favorite fraud architect banking fraudster short slim telugu trisha who does no computer work, yet falsely takes credit after ROBBING data

Goan bhandari raw employee sunaina chodan asked to remain at home, after national informatic centre exposed her work at home fraud using stolen data

Goan bhandari raw employee cheater sunaina chodan gifted a puppy and asked to stay at home after national informatics centre exposed her computer work fraud
Though raw/cbi, indian tech and internet companies make fake claims about computer work, domain ownership, it appears that Goan bhandari raw employee cheater sunaina chodan gifted a puppy and asked to stay at home after national informatics centre exposed her computer work fraud using stolen data
National information centre is keeping digital records of all court cases and court activities in india and these are available online. The lawyers are usually present in court from at least 10 am to 5 pm daily, and the real name of raw employee sunaina chodan is published in the national information centre’s records, for several years now, clearly showing that she is not interested in doing computer work at home.
Yet showing the extremely high levels of government cybercrime, financial fraud, the indian government agencies, raw/cbi appear to continue making fake claims so that she can get a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor
So it appears that her photographer husband has gifted her a new puppy dog on mothers day and asked her to stay at home, since the national informatics centre’s records expose her work at home fraud. In the instagram photo, she is shown wearing a black and white nighty with her new puppy who she can take care of at home, since she does not do computer work.

Selling the data stolen wirelessly using brainwave reading is very lucrative for the robber

Though selling the data stolen wirelessly using brainwave reading is very lucrative for the robber government employee like anish acharya, j srinivasan, it causes great losses for the private citizen who is targetted for memory robbery by the greedy government employee getting a monthly salary, pension and bribes. The ROBBER government employees are extremely ruthless cheaters using the data stolen using brainwave reading to run a very lucrative government SLAVERY racket, after CRIMINALLY DEFAMINg the hardworking citizen who they have targetted for MEMORY ROBBERY without getting a court order
Though india officially claims that all citizens are equal, the stolen data is then used by the ROBBER government employees to falsely claim that their high status lazy greedy fraud associates like goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, who do not spend any time, do not have the computer or skills, to falsely claim that they are doing the computer work, own this and other domains and get a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor who is making very less money despite working long hours, due to government SLAVERY
It appears that the MEMORY robber government employees like anish acharya, j srinivasan are getting a bribe or payment for the raw/cbi employees who are getting a monthly government salary only for FAKING computer work, domain ownership

Brain wave reading, memory erasure is used to cheat citizens while shopping

Citizens who are targetted for non-consensual brain wave reading are also targetted for memory erasure, cash theft while shopping
For example a single woman who is victim of government human rights abuses,was shopping and had paid the shop keeper Rs 500 for goods worth Rs 400
Then as part of the fraud of the greedy government employees hiding behind goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, a man suddenly and asked for surf pouch of Rs 10
The shopkeeper left all his work and gave the man the surf instead of completing the earlier transaction
Then afterwards the shop keeper denied that he had received Rs 500 and started demanding Rs 500 again
The single woman was forced to give Rs 500 again, since she would be accused of cheating if she did not pay, and a large number of people were collected in the shop
It was clear that the memory of the shop keeper was affected he first gave Rs 3 coins initially when he was supposed to give back Rs 100
Since the goods were worth Rs 400 only , it was easier to get the Rs 100 back, it was more difficult to check whether the shop keeper had received the Rs 500 note taken out from the purse initially

Brain wave reading was used by the greedy government employees to plan the Rs 500 note robbery, sending the person for purchasing the Rs 10 surf detergent just when the Rs 500 note was paid so that the shopkeeper intentionally forgot the previous Rs 500 he received
The citizens who are targetted for MEMORY ROBBERY without a court order by the greedy shameless well paid indian government employees are already making great losses, yet the CHEATER indian government employees are always looting them like the rs 500 note theft showed. It appears that part of the loot was shared with the government employee because a dark skinned person came after sometime to the shop

Goa 1989 jee topper, single woman engineer would have contested the indian government non-consensual BRAIN WAVE ROBBERY in court

At present in one of the most horrific human rights abuses, government CYBERCRIMES on any indian citizen, the indian government agencies are openly involved in non-consensual BRAIN WAVE ROBBERY on the goa 1989 jee topper, single woman engineer and domain investor since 2010 , after her btech 1993 ee classmates from iit bombay like puneet, j srinivasan, tushar parekh, vijay and 5 greedy cheater states goa, haryana, madhya pradesh, gujarat, karnataka are started making fake allegations of cheating, black money, security threat without any kind of of legally valid proof since 2010
Though crores of indian taxpayer money have been wasted on surveillance since 2010, the government agencies have not found any legally valid proof, yet they continue their MEMORY ROBBERY, stealing all the trade, business secrets, causing great financial losses.
In a clear case of discrimination the government does not have the honesty and humanity to get a court order for the MEMORY ROBBERY of a harmless private citizen which denies her the right to privacy, right to a fair living since the stolen data is used to cause financial losses

If the indian government had the honesty and humanity to send a legal notice to the domain investor, listing the reasons why government agencies are only ROBBING her data using brainwave reading technology, she would have definitely fought the matter in court, why the government is targetted her alone without any compensation, not other domain investors, or engineers have a btech degree

For wireless MEMORY ROBBERY without a court order, cunning cheater top government employee puneet FAKED his relationship with engineering classmate who he hated

Usually for carrying out any type of memory robbery, brain wave reading on citizens, the government agencies are getting a court order, so that the citizen whose memory is robbed can defend himself or herself in court, and prevent the brain wave reading, which denies the citizen the right to privacy
Yet showing the lack of honesty and humanity of the cruel cunning top government employees brahmin cheaters puneet, j srinivasan, instead of getting a court order for brain wave reading of their harmless female btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay who they HATED , these cunning cheater CYBERCRIMINAL government employees FAKED their relationship with the single woman, falsely claiming that she was a proxy for them, all her assets belonged to them , when they had never contacted her or helped her in any way at all
It is an indication of how easily the government system is being manipulated by their cruel CYBERCRIMINAL well paid employees that the indian government blindly believes its LIAR CYBERCRIMINAL employees allowing them to steal the memory, data of a harmless private citizen without a court order

when government agencies steal the retirement savings of citizens without a court order, they cannot be expected to use apps, wireless technologies

India does not have a social security system, private citizens do not get any kind of assistance from the government in their old age.
yet government agencies are robbing the retirement savings of small online business owners without a court order or legally valid reason. This problem is unique to the indian internet sector alone, in other sectors business owners can keep their savings.

Additionally the government also falsely claims that the stolen savings of the online business owner, belongs to the inexperienced relatives and friends of top government employees. Yet the indian internet sector expects the business owners who savings they have robbed to continue using the latest wireless technology, apps like they did before.

They do not realize that the savings theft has destroyed the faith of the online business owner in technology, the business owner does not want to take the risk of losing all her money again only because she tried the latest app, while the app may be convenient, it is not worth losing a lifetimes savings just for using the apps and becoming penniless

wireless technology used to torture goa 1989 jee topper for exposing government SLAVERY racket, financial fraud on her since 2010

Though the GREEDY CRUEL CHEATER domain fraudster raw/cbi employees like gurugram cheater ruchita kinge, human resources manager at optum with salary of Rs 14-15 lakh , indore cheater housewife deepika/veena have plenty of money, they are extremely ruthless in their financial fraud, government SLAVERY on the goa 1989 jee topper, single woman engineer, making up FAKE STORIES that the domains, bank account belongs to the btech 1993 ee classmates from iit bombay especially puneet working in government agencies , when they are aware that the government employees HATE the single woman and have never helped her in any way at all
Now slowly the financial fraud, government SLAVERY is exposed, and the extremely cruel cheater raw/cbi employees and their associates are using the latest wireless technology to TORTURE the harmless single woman engineer to cause great chest pain
The wireless torture equipment is used to harm the internal organs and damage them causing pain and coughing so that the massive financial fraud is not exposed.

Lazy greedy CIA/MI6 stooges get monthly government salaries using data stolen from goa 1989 jee topper using brainwave reading, wireless technologies

Indicating widespread financial fraud, human rights abuses Lazy greedy CIA/MI6 stooges like greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, haryana’s horrible human animal ruchita kinge, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree, siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, indore robber deepika/veena, sindhi scammer naina premchandani, cheater sons karan/nikhil get monthly government salaries for faking domain ownership, bank, paypal account using data stolen from goa 1989 jee topper using brainwave reading, wireless technologies
The high status respectable raw/cbi employees do not want to open their own paypal, bank account legally, do not want to purchase domains paying the market price and domain renewal fees annually , do not want to spend hours doing computer work.
Instead in one of the most innovative financial frauds, they are hysterically making fake cheating, security threat and black money without legally valid proof, spreading fake rumors that the domains belong to the btech 1993 ee classmates from iit bombay and other government employees of the domain investor and getting monthly government salaries at her expense.
Haryana’s top fraud raw employee ruchita kinge is a full time human resources manager at optum with salary of Rs 14-15 lakh, yet being a very GREEDY SHAMELESS CHEATER LIAR she refuses to end her fraud on a hardworking single woman engineer, domain investor, falsely claiming to own her bank account, domain names and gets a monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman
Before raw/cbi comment on the website content, they should explain why their lazy greedy EMPLOYEES are falsely claiming to own the websites, domains , bank account of a private citizen they HATE, criminally defame using stolen data.

Indian government agencies are aware that they will not be able to defend their wireless MEMORY ROBBERY in court

In one of the worst human rights abuses, indian government agencies are openly involved non-consensual brain wave reading , memory robbery in india of some citizens, like the goa 1989 jee topper, a harmless single woman engineer, domain investor from north karnataka without a court order or legally valid reason since 2010 causing great financial losses
Since the CYBERCRIMINAL Indian government agencies are aware that they will not be able to defend their wireless MEMORY ROBBERY of a harmless private citizen in court, they are hysterically making fake security threat allegations without any kind of legally valid proof for more than 13 years, and hysterically repeating their complete lies like parrots to create an illusion of truth