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wifi hotspot connection disconnected repeatedly after financial fraud, online slavery was exposed

Though the online income is very low, the raw/cbi employees are extremely ruthless in their financial fraud, falsely claiming to own the bank account, domains including this and get a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor, migrant from north karnataka.
After the engineer decided to use her savings account for receiving paypal payment, the massive online, financial fraud, slavery racket since 2010 was exposed, the raw/cbi employees and their associates are extremely furious.
So now they are disrupting the internet connection, wifi hotspot repeatedly, hacking the connection making it very difficult to work online on the computer/desktop.

Wifi connection disrupted repeatedly after online, financial fraud, slavery racket exposed

For 14 years, the top tech, internet companies, have run one of the greatest online, financial frauds, slavery rackets on a harmless single woman engineer, domain investor and migrant from north karnataka, robbing her data to make fake claims.
In 2024, the slavery racket has been finally exposed, after the computer was hacked and it was proved that the domain, banking fraudster raw/cbi employees and their lazy fraud associates like married architect telugu trisha was not doing any computer work and not paying any expenses.
Now the wifi connection is being disrupted repeatedly to cause losses to the domain investor for exposing the massive online financial fraud, slavery .

Bandwidth stolen when wifi hotspot switched on

After the desktop of the domain investor was hacked to prevent her from updating the websites , the domain investor was forced to reduce the time she spent doing computer work.
So instead of accessing using wifi hotspot, she was using cellular data in the smartphones.
When she was using the wifi hotspot, she was getting the message that the 2GB data provided was getting over.
Due to desktop hacking for almost one month, the wifi hotspot was used for only one hour or less daily. During this period, the domain investor found that she never got any message regarding data usage, showing that wifi hotspots are used to rob bandwidth.

Trish 2G & 5g hacking wifi network again active to promote FRAUD LIAR married architect telugu trisha

The SHAMELESS GREEDY FRAUD LIAR married architect telugu trisha does not want to open her own online, bank account, purchase computer hardware, pay expenses, spend time doing computer work.
Instead with the help of GREEDY LIAR CHEATER telugu officials/leaders/hackers , california fraud gsb architect kalpana nayak, panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, FRAUD LIAR married architect short slim telugu trisha and her equally fraud husband vinay are robbing the data of a hardworking single woman engineer, migrant from north karnataka and then falsely claiming that she is doing the computer work, to get great powers.
The domain investor was not in mumbai, where she has a good quality computer, so she could not use engaged hits, and the timebucks records clearly expose the lies of the telugu officials/leaders making fake claims about FRAUD LIAR married architect telugu trisha who does not do any computer work.
Now the domain investor, engineer is back in mumbai and the list of active wifi networks show that Trish 2G & 5g hacking wifi network is active.
The telugu/gsb officials/leaders did not want the domain investor to come back to mumbai, so that FRAUD LIAR married architect telugu trisha and her fraud family could continue faking ownership of the house and bank account
Now to ruin the health, radiation torture is being used, due to which the entire body of the domain investor, engineer is paining and she was not allowed to sleep at night, in a clear case of human rights abuses to cover up the online slavery, financial fraud of GREEDY SHAMELESS LIAR married architect telugu trisha

Due to Telugu trisha wifi hacking , now rewardy showing telugu clips

Though the fraud architect telugu trisha does not want to open her own online, paypal, bank account, the cheater telugu officials/leaders have installed an elaborate wifi hacking network, to hack and rob data from all the computers, mobiles, gadgets in the vicinity.
The robbed data is then misused to make fake claims about the lazy greedy young telugu fraud in the vicinity like short slim married architect telugu trisha, who does not do any computer work, yet falsely claims credit, using robbed data
One of the indication that telugu cybercriminals are involved in hacking is that telugu clips are being shown, Earlier clips from the movie “trisha on the rocks” were also being shown extensively on rewardy.
when the lazy liar telugu frauds do not want to pay expenses, spend time, why are they falsely claiming credit for the rewardy income robbing data?

Now trisha-2GHz and trisha-5ghz wifi networks used for hacking data making fake claims

The shamelesss greedy fraud married architect short telugu trisha, young mother does not have the honesty and humanity to purchase computer hardware, opening her own online, paypal, bank account.
Instead with the help of her fat fraud husband, shameless greedy fraud architect telugu trisha has installed sophisticated wifi hacking eequipment in the house of her grandparents in bhandup , mumbai and is hacking the computer, wifi network of her neighbors so that she can rob data and make fake claims to get great powers, monthly government salary later with the help of greedy goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro,fraud gsb architect kalpana nayak
Earlier only the trisha_2GHz network was used for hacking, now the trisha_5Ghz wifi network is also visible indicating that a very powerful cybercriminal gang is helping the shameless fraud architect trisha in ROBBING data to make fake claims
timebucks recently showed pampers ads so they should be aware that though powerful LIAR politicians, leaders are making FAKE CLAIMS about greedy shameless fraud young mother architect telugu trisha is not doing any timebucks work, the fraud architect telugu trisha is a shameless cybercriminal robbing people’s data to make fake claims

Even in Hubli Aenterp wifi network used for hacking, robbing data

usually most normal internet users will switch off their internet connection at night so that it cannot be hacked.
Yet indicating how ruthlessly powerful government officials, tech or internet companies are in stalking the domain investor wherever she goes, a wifi hacking network is used to monitor all her activities and rob her data.
Also in smaller cities, in the morning, there are usually no wifi network visible, only when the businesses open at 9 am or 10 am their wifi network becomes visible.
Yet showing the extent of hacking, data theft the domain investor faces, a wifi network Aenterp was detected in Hubli even at 7 am daily.
While the Trisha_2Ghz network was visible in the metro city, the Aenterp wifi hacking showed how closely the domain investor, is monitored, robbed, so that lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees can fake computer work, domain ownership and get great powers, monthly government salary

Now resha_a54 wireless network is being used for wifi hacking

The obc/bhandari community remains backward because they are easily manipulated/bribed by the gsb officials/leaders into betraying meritorious professionals/investors to destroy their life so that only lazy greedy FRAUD brahmin puppets like panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, indore cheater housewife deepika/veena get government jobs with ROBBED data at the expense of the online worker.
Now the goan gsb frauds panaji housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, california architect kalpana nayak promoted their favorite fraud architect short slim telugu trisha using the wifi hacking network trisha-2Ghz, now the data of the domain investor is being robbed wherever she goes to make fake claims about a cheater married women, in hubli it is slim tall fairskinned resha, who is not even a graduate and is not doing any computer work at all, yet has the audacity to fake her resume, savings to get great powers.
Earlier the wifi network adit was being used for wifi hacking, and now realizing that the revenues are extremely low, the liar cheater officials are now falsely claiming that slim tall fairskinned resha who does not do any computer work, is doing the computer work and has the resume, savings of the domain investor, single woman engineer who is criminally defamed to cover up the CHEATER housewife resha’s cybercrime,EDUCATIONAL, FINANCIAL FRAUD.
The domain investor is in hubli mainly to prevent property being grabbed by CHEATER housewife resha’s husband, yet showing the dishonesty of at least some hubli officials/leaders they are making fake claims about their favorite fraud housewife resha, who does not have any savings of her own. For 14 years, the most CUNNING CHEATER officials/leaders in goa/mumbai have tried to rob the savings of the single woman engineer, forcing her to protest, and it is time that leaders/officials in hubli end their fraud of making fake claims about the favorite fraud housewife resha, only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband.

LIAR Fraud architect married short telugu’s trisha’s 2 GHz wireless hacking network remains active

One of the reasons why north karnataka remains comparatively poor,is because the leaders/officials allows frauds from all over india, cheat, exploit, rob professionals/investors from north karnataka to get lucrative government jobs and great powers while the professionls, investors from north karnataka have to do all the work, pay all the expenses and get nothing in a case of SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD .
After the great goan SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD, on the domain investor from 2012-2021, with greedy goan call girls siddhi, sunaina,goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, getting lucrative central government jobs for faking their resume, savings, online income, robbing the data of the domain investor, a migrant from north karnataka, the cheater greedy goans continued to exploit the domain investor even when she moved to a metro city
For this goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro and her cheater associates continue to rob data to make fake claims about GREEDY LIAR Fraud architect married short telugu’s trisha who does not do any computer work, does not pay expenses
the SHAMELESS GREEDY goans have done a deal with the equally DISHONESTY GREEDY LIAR telugu officials, installing sophisticated wireless hacking equipment in the house of the relative of LIAR Fraud architect married short telugu trisha, to ROB data from all the wifi networks, and computers in the vicinity, so that the greedy goans can make fake claims about LIAR Fraud architect married short telugu trisha and her CYBERCRIME, ONLINE FRAUD mentor panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro to get the frauds great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman domain investor, migrant from north karnataka in a case of SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD.

for some time LIAR Fraud architect married short telugu’s trisha’s 5 GHz wireless hacking network was active

One of the reasons why north karnataka remains comparatively poor,is because the leaders/officials allows frauds from all over india, cheat, exploit, rob professionals/investors from north karnataka to get lucrative government jobs and great powers while the professionls, investors from north karnataka have to do all the work, pay all the expenses and get nothing in a case of SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD .
After the great goan SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD, on the domain investor from 2012-2021, with greedy goan call girls siddhi, sunaina,goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, getting lucrative central government jobs for faking their resume, savings, online income, robbing the data of the domain investor, a migrant from north karnataka, the cheater greedy goans continued to exploit the domain investor even when she moved to a metro city
For this goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro and her cheater associates continue to rob data to make fake claims about GREEDY LIAR Fraud architect married short telugu’s trisha who does not do any computer work, does not pay expenses
the SHAMELESS GREEDY goans have done a deal with the equally DISHONESTY GREEDY LIAR telugu officials, installing sophisticated wireless hacking equipment in the house of the relative of LIAR Fraud architect married short telugu trisha, to ROB data from all the wifi networks, and computers in the vicinity, so that the greedy goans can make fake claims about LIAR Fraud architect married short telugu trisha and her CYBERCRIME, ONLINE FRAUD mentor panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro to get the frauds great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman domain investor, migrant from north karnataka in a case of SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD.